About Us
At KISRA we have been working to support FAMILIES from every walk of life, since we were first started by Ferguson Memorial Baptist Church in 1993. We have worked to create stronger and better educated families who are more empowered and ready to change the course of their lives and contribute to our community. It all started with the desire to help children. It has grown to become a comprehensive offering of programs that HEAL and benefit people from every walk of life in West Virginia.
Today, you will see KISRA providing safe havens for children. Showing men how to be better fathers. Befriending those with mental illness so they can live at home rather than state facilities. Giving ex-offenders the tools to reenter the community. Loaning money to small business owners. Helping people buy homes and acquire other assets that create stability. Our services are diverse but our mission is consistent: strengthening families in West Virginia.
With the help of our staff and dedicated volunteers, we make a difference every day. It is a difference that can be seen in the faces of the people we serve and felt across the state in terms of a stronger economy.